A call for artwork that explores light. Think radiance. Think chiaroscuro. Think light source and light form. This exhibition opportunity is an integral part of the Geneva Art Center inaugural year, a tribute to the working artists that laid our new center’s foundation. As such, the call is open only to artists living or working in Geneva, Illinois.
Geneva is known for its many festivals, most notably around the summer and winter solstices. We stay up late every June, listening to music on the courthouse lawn during Midsommar , basking in the long reaching rays of summer sun. In early December our town honors its Swedish heritage with Santa Lucia and the traditional tree lighting. Year round, we are welcomed home by sparkling shop lights on State St, but we can also enjoy the stars that twinkle in velvety skies above Peck Farm.
Adult artists living in Geneva, Illinois are invited to submit up to 3 artwork that are on the theme of luminosity for consideration. All media will be considered. While we have limited space in our gallery, we guarantee that 15 spots in this show will be awarded to Geneva Art Guild members. Work will be juried into the exhibition by the gallery committee and a guest juror. Best of show, as well as a Collector’s award, will be presented at the opening.
Show dates 12/3/2021 through 1/7/ 2022
Submission fee for up to 3 artwork $25
Submissions due 11/8/2021
Work drop off 11/28- 30, 2021
Work pick up 1/16/ 2022